Habitual Woman - Olivia Cummings
When I came up with the concept of the Habitual Collection, I knew I wanted to explore it beyond gorgeous pieces. I wanted to show you inspiring women wearing them and share their stories. As a designer, it is so beautiful to see women I admire wearing pieces I create in their own way, it is a genuine dream come true. I really hope these stories inspire you just as much as they do me.
Olivia Cummings is the founder and creator of Cleopatra's Bling, an incredible artisan made jewellery brand based in Napoli, Italy. I was so lucky to meet with Olivia while she was in Byron Bay in December (she is an Aussie) and she is even more engaging and beautiful in person. Full of wisdom and stories from a glorious life lived, her enthusiasm for what she does is truely inspiring, I know you will be inspired too.
Who are you and how do you describe yourself?
I am Olivia, I make jewellery and tell stories. I have been in Europe the past 12 years gathering knowledge on subjects that make me passionate and from these stories and experiences, my brand was born.
You run an incredible business that really is more than just jewels, it is a poetic creative force. How did you start?
By accident (like all good things, right?). I was living in Paris for 6 years and had a big life realisation along with a heartbreak, so I left Paris and went to Istanbul in the quest of creativity and fell on my feet after a few years of spending most of my days with Turkish artisans.
What is something, without fail, that you habitually do for yourself everyday?
I am big on rituals. I need my daily morning rituals: coffee, yoga/stretching, meditation. Otherwise I feel like I will burn out. I need a few hours each morning to feel ready to face the world, to be honest.
Can you describe your style?
Very eclectic I would say. I love mixing things. I mix vintage with new, I wear old crushed velvet clothes I find in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, I get clothes custom made by local tailors, I buy from small brands that are run my dear friends but my favourites are what my Mother used to wear.
What are your goals for this year?
2018 was a really hard year for me, a lot of painful growth. This year I want to go easier on myself, believe in myself more, do my meditation two times daily and laugh at the small silly things in life.
Thank you so much Olivia, for your gorgeous words and talent.
Please check out her amazingness at www.cleopatrasbling.com
Much Love
Em xx
All images were taken by Amelia Fullarton
All jewellery is made by Olivia for Cleopatra's Bling